Tools, practices and methods

The world is full of amazing tools that may be perfectly suited to accelerate our journey, but often we only discover them through chance encounters, and can lose years being stuck in sub optimal loops.

Our endeavor is to catalog a growing list of tools and eventually match them to you based on your context.

Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

The Behavioral Momentum Technique(BMT)

Behavioral momentum is a term used in applied behavior analysis, which is a field of psychology that focuses on understanding and modifying behavior. Behavioral momentum refers to the likelihood that a person will continue to exhibit a certain behavior based on the history of reinforcement for that behavior. The Behavioral Momentum Technique involves reinforcing a series of easy or well-established behaviors (high-probability behaviors) before introducing or requesting a more difficult or less-preferred behavior (low-probability behavior). By reinforcing the high-probability behaviors first, it increases the likelihood that the individual will comply with the more challenging behavior.

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Mind, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Relationship Kranti M

Transactional Analysis (TA)

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological framework that conceptualizes human interactions as dynamic exchanges within three ego states: Parent, Adult, and Child. This approach utilizes the metaphor of a mental playground to understand and analyze communication patterns, life positions, and decision-making processes.

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Relationship Kranti M Relationship Kranti M

Imago Relationship Therapy

Imago Relationship Therapy, developed by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, is a form of couples therapy that aims to help individuals and couples create more fulfilling and conscious relationships. The therapy is based on the premise that individuals are drawn to partners who have qualities that resemble both the positive and negative traits of their primary caregivers. Imago therapy seeks to explore these patterns and promote healing and growth.

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Help us build this list, please suggest any tool / method or practice that you know.