Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a spiritual practice that involves a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, and specific physical postures designed to accelerate spiritual growth and self-realization. Here's a short guide on how to implement Kriya Yoga anywhere:

Basics of Kriya Yoga Practice

  1. Preparation:

    • Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

    • Wear comfortable clothing.

    • Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with your spine straight. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.

  2. Centering:

    • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.

    • Focus your attention on the space between your eyebrows, known as the spiritual eye or the third eye.

  3. Breathing Techniques (Pranayama):

    • Ujjayi Breathing: Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely. Exhale slowly through your nose, making a soft sound (like the ocean) in the back of your throat.

    • Kriya Pranayama: This involves a specific breathing technique where you move your breath along the spine from the base (Muladhara Chakra) to the top of the head (Sahasrara Chakra) and back down. This is often taught in stages, so it's best to learn it from an experienced teacher.

  4. Meditation:

    • After completing the breathing exercises, sit quietly and focus on the spiritual eye.

    • Practice inner stillness and try to maintain a state of deep awareness and concentration.

  5. Affirmations and Chanting:

    • Use affirmations or mantras to help focus the mind. Common mantras include "Om" or "Aum" and other sacred sounds.

    • Repeat these silently or aloud to deepen your concentration and connection to the practice.

  6. Closing:

    • Slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

    • Take a few deep breaths and gently open your eyes.

    • Take a moment to express gratitude for the practice and the benefits it brings.

Tips for Consistency

  • Daily Practice: Aim to practice daily, even if only for a few minutes. Consistency is key to experiencing the benefits.

  • Environment: Create a dedicated space for your practice to help cultivate a routine.

  • Guidance: If possible, seek guidance from a certified Kriya Yoga instructor to ensure proper technique and progression.

Kriya Yoga can be practiced anywhere with these basic steps. Over time, as you become more familiar with the techniques, you can deepen your practice and experience the profound spiritual benefits it offers.

Areas it can help in: Clarity, peace, focus, vitality, health, awareness, intuition, balance, energy, mindfulness, relaxation, transformation, insight, discipline, harmony, strength, resilience, healing, concentration, joy, tranquility, stability, wisdom.


Neti Pot