Tools, practices and methods

The world is full of amazing tools that may be perfectly suited to accelerate our journey, but often we only discover them through chance encounters, and can lose years being stuck in sub optimal loops.

Our endeavor is to catalog a growing list of tools and eventually match them to you based on your context.

Mind, Body, Relationship, Career Kranti M Mind, Body, Relationship, Career Kranti M

Music Therapy

Music therapy is a form of therapeutic treatment that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. It involves the use of various musical techniques, such as listening, singing, or playing instruments, to help individuals improve their well-being and achieve therapeutic goals.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Cold Showers

Cold showers involve bathing under cold water, typically with temperatures ranging from cool to icy. Advocates claim they offer numerous health benefits, including improved circulation, increased alertness, and enhanced mood. They can also promote recovery after exercise and may boost the immune system. Some people incorporate cold showers into their daily routine for a refreshing start to the day or as a way to challenge themselves mentally and physically.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art renowned for its dynamic kicking techniques and emphasis on physical fitness, mental discipline, and self-defense. The name “Taekwondo” can be broken down into three parts: “Tae” meaning foot, “Kwon” meaning fist or hand, and “Do” meaning way or path, hence it translates to “the way of the foot and fist.”

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Aikido, founded by Morihei Ueshiba, is a Japanese martial art renowned for its philosophy of non-aggression and harmonizing with an opponent's energy rather than confronting it head-on. In the world of martial arts, Aikido stands apart for its emphasis on redirecting attacks with fluid, circular motions rather than meeting force with force. This core principle distinguishes Aikido from more combative martial arts like Karate or Taekwondo.

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Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing is a traditional Middle Eastern dance form characterized by fluid movements of the torso, hips, and arms. It typically involves intricate hip isolations, undulating movements, and shimmies, often performed to rhythmic music with cultural influences from the region. Belly dancing is known for its sensual and expressive nature, and it's often practiced for both artistic expression and physical fitness.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body using fingers, thumbs, palms, and sometimes elbows or knees. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine principles, particularly the concept of meridians or energy channels through which vital energy (Qi) flows. Shiatsu aims to balance the body's energy flow and promote overall health and well-being by stimulating the body's natural healing abilities. It is often performed on a floor mat or futon and can be adapted to suit individual needs and preferences. Shiatsu is known for its ability to relieve stress, tension, and muscle pain while enhancing relaxation and improving circulation.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Judo is a modern martial art and combat sport that originated in Japan in the late 19th century. It was founded by Jigoro Kano, who synthesized techniques from various traditional Japanese jujutsu schools into a cohesive system. The word "Judo" translates to "gentle way," emphasizing the principle of using an opponent's strength and momentum against them rather than relying solely on brute force. In Judo, practitioners, known as judoka, utilize throwing techniques (nage-waza), joint locks (katame-waza), and pins (osaekomi-waza) to control opponents and win matches. Judo training also includes groundwork (ne-waza), which focuses on grappling techniques and submissions.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan. It is a system of self-defense techniques involving striking, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques. Karate practitioners, known as karateka, often train in forms (kata), which are choreographed sequences of movements simulating combat scenarios. These forms help practitioners to develop proper technique, balance, coordination, and focus.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual practice that aims to awaken the dormant energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini. Through a combination of dynamic movements, breathing techniques, meditation, and chanting, practitioners seek to unlock this energy and allow it to rise through the body's energy centers (chakras), leading to spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. Kundalini Yoga is characterized by its emphasis on breathwork (pranayama), repetitive physical exercises (kriyas), and mantras to activate and balance the subtle energy within the body. It is often viewed as a powerful and transformative practice that can bring about mental clarity, emotional stability, and heightened awareness.

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Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M

Barefoot Walking

Barefoot walking, also known as barefooting, refers to the practice of walking without wearing shoes or any other footwear. It involves stepping directly onto the ground or any surface with the soles of the feet exposed. Advocates of barefoot walking often cite benefits such as improved balance, strengthened foot muscles, better posture, and a closer connection to the natural environment. However, it's important to note that barefoot walking may not be suitable for all environments and individuals, as it can increase the risk of injury on rough or hazardous surfaces.

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Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M


Qi Gong is a traditional Chinese practice that combines gentle movements, breathing exercises, and focused intention to cultivate and balance the body's vital energy, known as Qi (pronounced "chee"). It has roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy. Qi Gong is often practiced for health maintenance, stress reduction, increased vitality, and spiritual growth. Through regular practice, practitioners aim to harmonize the flow of Qi within themselves, promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and mental clarity.

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Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Body, Relationship Kranti M

Traditional Maori tattooing(Ta Moko)

Traditional Maori tattooing, known as "Ta moko," is a significant cultural practice of the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand. Ta moko involves the use of chisels and ink pigment to create intricate designs on the skin. These designs are not merely decorative but carry deep cultural and personal meanings, including genealogy, social status, and identity. Ta moko is distinct from other forms of tattooing, with each pattern tailored to the individual's lineage, achievements, and life experiences. It's a sacred art form that reflects the wearer's connection to their ancestors and their place within Maori society.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

No Zero Days

No zero days is a motivational concept emphasizing the importance of making progress every day, no matter how small. It encourages individuals to take at least one step towards their goals daily, ensuring consistent momentum and growth over time. By eliminating days with zero progress, the concept promotes consistency, determination, and productivity.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Pottery is the art and craft of creating ceramic objects from clay. It involves shaping the clay by hand or with tools, followed by drying, firing, and often glazing the finished pieces. Dating back thousands of years, pottery serves both functional and artistic purposes, with creations ranging from simple vessels to intricate sculptures. This ancient craft continues to thrive today, blending tradition with modern techniques and designs, and is valued for its beauty, utility, and cultural significance.

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Mind, Body, Career, Relationship, Finance Kranti M Mind, Body, Career, Relationship, Finance Kranti M


Taoism is a philosophical and spiritual tradition originating in ancient China, emphasizing living in harmony with the Tao, or the "Way." It encourages simplicity, naturalness, and spontaneity, advocating for balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Taoism encompasses a range of beliefs and practices, including meditation, qigong, and the study of Taoist texts such as the Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of aligning with the rhythms of nature to achieve inner peace and enlightenment.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy is a holistic approach aimed at helping individuals who struggle with processing sensory information. Through specialized activities and exercises, it seeks to improve how the brain receives and responds to sensory input. This therapy is often used to assist those with sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and other developmental challenges. By addressing sensory issues, it aims to enhance daily functioning, improve behavior, and promote overall well-being.

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Mind, Body, Career Kranti M Mind, Body, Career Kranti M


Biohacking in life involves using science, technology, and self-experimentation to optimize and enhance various aspects of human performance and well-being. This may include practices such as optimizing nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management, as well as using supplements, wearable devices, and other tools to improve physical and cognitive function. Biohackers often seek to achieve higher levels of energy, focus, resilience, and overall health by leveraging insights from biology and cutting-edge research.

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Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M

30-Day Outfit Challenge

The 30-Day Outfit Challenge involves creating unique outfits from your existing wardrobe for 30 consecutive days, without repeating any ensemble. It encourages creativity, versatility, and exploration of your personal style within set constraints.

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Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M

Fashion Feng Shui

Fashion Feng Shui combines the principles of Feng Shui with personal style, helping individuals align their clothing choices with their inner selves. By considering elements such as color, texture, and silhouette, Fashion Feng Shui aims to enhance inner harmony and outer expression. It emphasizes the importance of dressing with intention and authenticity, empowering individuals to feel confident and balanced in their appearance. Through mindful selection of clothing and accessories, Fashion Feng Shui promotes a holistic approach to style that resonates with one's unique energy and aspirations.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a curated collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits, emphasizing quality over quantity. It typically consists of versatile pieces that are timeless, interchangeable, and suitable for various occasions.

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