The Headless way

"The Headless Way" is a philosophy and approach to self-discovery developed by Douglas Harding. It focuses on the direct experience of one's own consciousness and perception, particularly through exercises that help individuals become more aware of their true nature.

At its core, the Headless Way invites individuals to explore their own consciousness by pointing their attention inwardly towards their own sense of self or awareness. This often involves exercises where individuals investigate their own perceptions, such as noticing the space around them, or becoming aware of their own field of vision.

The term "Headless" refers to the idea that when we examine our own awareness, we cannot see our own heads directly – we can only see the world and others. This serves as a metaphor for recognizing that our true nature is not limited to our physical bodies or personal identities, but rather is a formless, boundless awareness that encompasses our entire experience.

Overall, the Headless Way offers a path for individuals to directly experience their own consciousness and to recognize their fundamental unity with the world around them. It's about discovering the simplicity and expansiveness of one's own being beyond the limitations of the individual self.

Areas it can help in: Finding purose, clarity

Additional Exploration:


The Atkins Diet


Authentic Relating