Non Violent Communication (NVC)

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a communication framework developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. It aims to facilitate compassionate communication and conflict resolution by emphasizing empathy, active listening, and expressing feelings and needs without blame or judgment. In short, NVC involves:

  1. Observation: Describing the situation without judgment or evaluation.

  2. Feeling: Identifying and expressing emotions triggered by the situation.

  3. Need: Recognizing the underlying needs or values driving those feelings.

  4. Request: Making a clear, positive request that addresses those needs.

NVC encourages individuals to communicate in a way that fosters understanding and connection, rather than defensiveness or conflict.

Areas it can help in: Conflict reslution, Relation building.

Additional Exploration: g/https://www.cnvc.or


Authentic Relating


Jin shin jyutsu