Principles of War-SunTzu

Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is a classic Chinese military treatise that outlines principles and strategies for warfare. Here's a brief summary of some key principles with steps:

  1. Know Yourself and Know Your Enemy

    • Step 1: Conduct thorough self-assessment to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities.

    • Step 2: Gather intelligence on your enemy, including their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies.

  2. The Supreme Art of War is to Subdue the Enemy Without Fighting

    • Step 1: Utilize strategic deception and diplomacy to weaken the enemy's resolve or gain advantages without direct confrontation.

    • Step 2: Employ psychological tactics to demoralize the enemy and undermine their will to fight.

  3. Winning Without Fighting

    • Step 1: Exploit weaknesses in the enemy's position or morale to achieve victory without engaging in direct combat.

    • Step 2: Use superior strategy and maneuvering to outmaneuver the enemy and force them into surrender or retreat.

  4. Speed and Preparation

    • Step 1: Prepare thoroughly before engaging in conflict, ensuring that troops are well-trained, supplied, and equipped.

    • Step 2: Move swiftly and decisively to capitalize on opportunities and catch the enemy off guard.

  5. Adaptability and Flexibility

    • Step 1: Remain flexible and adaptable in response to changing circumstances and enemy tactics.

    • Step 2: Anticipate and counter the enemy's moves with innovative and creative strategies.

  6. Terrain and Environmental Awareness

    • Step 1: Study the terrain and environmental factors to identify advantages and disadvantages.

    • Step 2: Adapt tactics and strategies to leverage the terrain to your advantage while minimizing vulnerabilities.

  7. Unity of Command and Coordination

    • Step 1: Establish clear command structures and lines of communication to ensure unity of effort.

    • Step 2: Coordinate movements and actions among different units or allies to maximize effectiveness and avoid confusion.

  8. Know When to Fight and When Not to Fight

    • Step 1: Assess the risks and benefits of engaging in combat versus seeking alternative solutions.

    • Step 2: Avoid unnecessary conflicts and conserve resources for battles where victory is assured or strategically significant.

These principles emphasize the importance of strategic thinking, adaptability, and decisive action in achieving victory in warfare.

Areas it can help in: Strategy, plan, goal, action oriented


Jin shin jyutsu


Feynman Technique