Reverse Brain Storming

Reverse brainstorming is a creative thinking technique that involves generating ideas for solving a problem by considering how to cause or worsen the problem instead. It encourages participants to think in unconventional ways and can lead to innovative solutions.

Here's how to apply reverse brainstorming:

  1. Define the Problem:

    • Clearly articulate the problem or challenge you want to address. Ensure everyone involved understands the problem statement.

  2. Introduce the Reverse Approach:

    • Instead of generating solutions to solve the problem, switch to thinking about how you can exacerbate or create the problem. Ask the question: "How can we make the situation worse?"

  3. Generate Ideas for Causing the Problem:

    • Encourage participants to brainstorm ideas for actions or strategies that would make the problem more severe. This could involve identifying factors that contribute to the issue or proposing actions that hinder potential solutions.

  4. Capture All Ideas:

    • Record all generated ideas without judgment. This is a divergent thinking phase, and the goal is to gather a wide range of perspectives, even if they seem impractical or counterintuitive.

  5. Switch Back to Solution Mode:

    • Once you have a sufficient list of ideas for making the problem worse, switch back to a solution-oriented mindset. Ask: "How can we reverse these negative actions or address the factors that contribute to the problem?"

  6. Transform Negative Ideas into Positive Solutions:

    • Take each negative idea and explore how it could be reframed as a positive solution. This involves identifying the opposite or counteraction to the negative ideas generated during the reverse brainstorming phase.

  7. Evaluate and Refine:

    • Evaluate the positive solutions generated through the reverse brainstorming process. Consider their feasibility, effectiveness, and potential impact. Refine and combine ideas as needed.

  8. Select the Best Solutions:

    • Choose the most promising and practical solutions that emerged from the reverse brainstorming and reframing process. These solutions are now seen as positive actions to address the original problem.


  • Problem: Declining sales for a product.

  • Reverse Brainstorming: Generate ideas for actions that could worsen sales, such as increasing the price, reducing product quality, or neglecting customer service.

  • Reframing: Explore how to address the negative actions, like implementing discounts, improving product quality, or enhancing customer service.


  • Encourage a non-judgmental atmosphere during the reverse brainstorming phase.

  • Emphasize creativity and unconventional thinking.

  • Use the reframing step to extract positive and actionable insights from the initially negative ideas.

Reverse brainstorming is a valuable technique for challenging assumptions, breaking cognitive patterns, and discovering unique solutions to problems. It's particularly useful when a team is stuck or when traditional approaches have not yielded satisfactory results.

Areas it can help in: Web and App Design, Event Planning, Problem Solving, Innovation, Brainstorming, Product Development, Content Creation, Creativity Training, Team Building, Decision Making, Marketing and Advertising, Art and Design, Intrapreneurship, Conflict Resolution, Customer Experience, Process Improvement


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