Tools, practices and methods

The world is full of amazing tools that may be perfectly suited to accelerate our journey, but often we only discover them through chance encounters, and can lose years being stuck in sub optimal loops.

Our endeavor is to catalog a growing list of tools and eventually match them to you based on your context.

Mind, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Wealth Kranti M

Debt Snowball Method

The debt snowball method is a debt repayment strategy that involves paying off debts in a specific order, starting with the smallest balance and progressing to the largest. In this approach, you focus on eliminating the debt with the smallest outstanding balance first, regardless of the interest rate associated with each debt.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity tool that categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. It helps users prioritize activities by placing them into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This matrix assists in making effective decisions and managing time more efficiently.

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Mind, Relationship, Purpose Kranti M Mind, Relationship, Purpose Kranti M

Digital Detox

Adopt a digital minimalism lifestyle for enhanced well-being and focus on meaningful priorities.

Begin by decluttering your digital space, removing unused apps, and organizing digital environments.

Set boundaries on social media, email, and digital tools, favoring quality interactions over constant connectivity.

Cultivate offline activities and hobbies to create a healthier balance between digital and physical aspects of life.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Floating Therapy (Sensory Deprivation Tanks):

Floating in this tank induces a sensation of weightlessness and relaxation. The buoyancy of the saltwater fully supports your body, alleviating the typical pressure felt on muscles and joints. This experience, coupled with the serene, dimly lit environment inside the tank, encourages both body and mind to unwind. It creates a sense of tranquility akin to being in a serene, secluded space where tensions and concerns can be temporarily released, fostering a profound feeling of peace and comfort.

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Mind, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Wealth Kranti M

Anchoring and Adjustment

Anchoring and adjustment is a cognitive bias where individuals rely heavily on the first piece of information encountered (the anchor) when making decisions or judgments. They then adjust their subsequent evaluations or decisions from that initial anchor, often insufficiently, leading to biased conclusions or choices. This bias can influence various areas such as negotiations, pricing perceptions, financial decisions, and judgments, causing individuals to be overly influenced by irrelevant or arbitrary initial information.

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Mind, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Wealth Kranti M

Mental Accounting

Mental accounting is a psychological concept where individuals categorize and treat their money differently based on subjective criteria rather than seeing it as a unified pool of funds. Understanding this concept is crucial because it influences how people make financial decisions and allocate their resources.

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Mind, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Wealth Kranti M

Loss Aversion

Loss aversion is a concept in behavioral economics that describes the tendency for people to strongly prefer avoiding losses over acquiring equivalent gains. Essentially, the emotional impact of losing something is felt more strongly than the pleasure derived from gaining something of equal value.

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Mind, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Wealth Kranti M

Hyperbolic Discounting

Hyperbolic Discounting is a concept from behavioral economics that describes how people tend to prefer smaller, immediate rewards over larger, delayed rewards, but their preferences change depending on the time frame. Understanding hyperbolic discounting can help individuals make more informed decisions about balancing immediate rewards with long-term benefits. By recognizing this bias, people can implement strategies to mitigate its effects and make choices that align better with their long-term goals.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

The Two Cup Method

The Two Cup Method is a manifestation technique rooted in the principles of quantum mechanics and the power of intention. While its effectiveness is subjective and not scientifically proven, it's a simple yet profound practice that aims to shift your reality by focusing your thoughts and energy on a desired outcome. While its origins are unclear, the Two Cup Method has gained popularity in self-help and personal development communities as a tool for manifesting positive changes in one's life. The method involves a symbolic ritual using two cups, water, and written intentions.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage is a therapeutic practice that involves using smooth, heated stones placed on the body to alleviate muscle tension, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. It's used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Spoon Theory

Spoon theory is a metaphor that is used to describe the amount of mental or physical energy a person has available for daily activities and tasks. It was developed by Christine Miserandino in 2003 as a way to express how it felt to have lupus. Understanding it can be very beneficial as it provides a framework for managing energy and resources more effectively.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Anuloma pranayama

Anuloma Pranayama, also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing, is a yogic breathing technique that involves alternating the flow of breath between the left and right nostrils. This practice is believed to balance the body's energy channels, calm the mind, and promote overall well-being.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body. The practice is thought to help balance the body's electromagnetic field, reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, boost immune function, and promote overall well-being.

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Mind, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Relationship Kranti M

River Meditation

River meditation is a mindfulness or meditation practice that involves focusing your attention on the metaphorical or imagined image of a river. This practice is often used as a way to cultivate a sense of calm, relaxation, and mental clarity.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

55×5 Manifestation Technique

The 5x55 manifestation technique is a popular method used in the law of attraction community to manifest desires or intentions. It involves writing a specific affirmation or desire 55 times for 5 consecutive days. By repeatedly affirming the desired outcome and imprinting it into the subconscious mind through consistent repetition, the 5x55 technique aims to align the individual's thoughts, beliefs, and energy with their desired manifestation. The number 55 is believed to symbolize the synchronicity between intention and manifestation, and by engaging in this practice, individuals seek to harness the power of the mind to bring about positive change in their lives.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Waterfall Meditation

Waterfall meditation is a mindfulness or meditation practice that involves visualizing or focusing on the imagery of a waterfall. Like other forms of meditation, the purpose is to cultivate a sense of calm, relaxation, and mental clarity. The soothing and rhythmic nature of a waterfall can serve as a powerful metaphor and focal point for the meditation.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Jivamukti Yoga

Jivamukti Yoga is a modern yoga style that incorporates physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation, chanting, and philosophical teachings. It was founded in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life, with the intention of creating a holistic approach to yoga that integrates spiritual teachings with physical practice. Jivamukti Yoga classes typically follow a themed structure, which may include a warm-up, dynamic asana practice, breath work, meditation, chanting, and relaxation. The practice is often accompanied by music and incorporates elements of Bhakti (devotional) and Karma (selfless service) yoga.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Dirga Pranayama

Dirga Pranayama (Three-Part Breath) is a foundational breathing technique in yoga. It involves deep, full inhalation and exhalation, utilizing the entire capacity of the lungs. This pranayama technique is often practiced to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase awareness of the breath.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M


Vinyasa, often referred to as Vinyasa Flow, is a style of yoga that emphasizes the coordination of breath with movement. It involves a dynamic and fluid sequence of yoga postures, with a smooth transition between poses. Practicing Vinyasa yoga can have positive effects on various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Mandala Colouring

Mandala coloring is a form of art therapy that involves coloring intricate geometric patterns, typically arranged in a circular or radial design.

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