The Gottman Method

The Gottman Method, developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman, is a researched-based approach to couples therapy that focuses on strengthening relationships through enhancing friendship, managing conflicts, and creating shared meaning. The method is grounded in extensive scientific research and provides practical tools for couples to build and maintain a healthy connection.

Understanding the Gottman Method:


  1. The Four Horsemen:

    • Recognize and address negative communication patterns known as the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" (criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling).

    • Replace destructive behaviors with constructive alternatives for healthier communication.

  2. Love Maps:

    • Foster intimacy by continuously updating and expanding your knowledge of each other's world.

    • Engage in activities that deepen your understanding of your partner's thoughts, feelings, and dreams.

  3. Turning Towards Each Other:

    • Cultivate a responsive and engaged relationship by actively turning towards your partner's bids for connection.

    • Practice small gestures of affection and attention to reinforce emotional connection.

  4. Rituals of Connection:

    • Establish and maintain rituals that symbolize your bond, creating a sense of shared meaning.

    • These rituals can be simple yet meaningful, such as a daily check-in or shared activities.

Areas it can help in: Conflict resolution, Relation building, communication skills, Relationship Satisfaction, Healing Past Wounds, Self-Awareness, Enhanced Empathy, Emotional connection

Additional Exploration:

The Gottman Method | Psychology Today


Narrative Therapy


Transactional Analysis (TA)