Tools, practices and methods

The world is full of amazing tools that may be perfectly suited to accelerate our journey, but often we only discover them through chance encounters, and can lose years being stuck in sub optimal loops.

Our endeavor is to catalog a growing list of tools and eventually match them to you based on your context.

Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Round Robin Brainstorming

Round Robin Brainstorming is a structured variation of traditional brainstorming where team members contribute ideas one by one in a predetermined order. It ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to share their thoughts, promoting inclusivity and preventing dominant voices from overshadowing others. This method is particularly useful in diverse group settings where team members may have varying levels of assertiveness.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Concept Mapping

Concept mapping is a visual tool used to organize and represent knowledge or information in a hierarchical and structured format. It helps individuals or groups visually illustrate relationships between concepts and ideas. Concept maps typically consist of nodes (representing concepts or ideas) connected by labeled lines or arrows that indicate the relationships between them. This technique is widely used in education, brainstorming, problem-solving, and research to enhance understanding and promote meaningful learning.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M


Rolestorming is a creative problem-solving technique that involves exploring a challenge or generating ideas by adopting different roles or perspectives. It was developed by Andrew Van Gundy in the early 1970s. Van Gundy was a management consultant and the author of the book "Brain Boosters for Business Advantage," where he introduced the concept of rolestorming as a creative problem-solving technique.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Four-Box Method

The Four-Box Method is a minimalist approach to decluttering and organizing spaces. It involves dividing items into four categories: Keep, Donate/Sell, Trash, and Relocate. By systematically sorting belongings into these categories, individuals can efficiently streamline their possessions and create a more organized living environment. This method promotes mindful decision-making and helps individuals prioritize what truly adds value to their lives while letting go of unnecessary clutter.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Six Thinking Hats Technique

Six Thinking Hats is a creative thinking technique developed by Dr. Edward de Bono. It is a method for exploring different perspectives and fostering more balanced decision-making in group discussions. The approach involves assigning different "hats" to participants, each representing a specific thinking style. By systematically wearing these metaphorical hats, individuals can approach problems or decisions from multiple angles. The six hats are: White (facts and information), Red (emotions and intuition), Black (critical thinking), Yellow (optimism and positive thinking), Green (creative thinking), and Blue (overview and process control).

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Mind, Career Kranti M Mind, Career Kranti M

Problem Tree Analysis

Problem Tree Analysis, also known as "Issue-Cause-Effect" analysis, is a visual tool used in project management, strategic planning, and problem-solving. It provides a systematic approach to understanding and addressing complex issues by breaking them down into their constituent parts. The analysis is represented in a diagram resembling a tree, with the core problem as the trunk, its effects as branches, and the underlying causes as roots.

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Mind, Wealth, Relationship Kranti M Mind, Wealth, Relationship Kranti M

The 5 Whys Technique

The 5 Whys is a problem-solving technique that involves asking "why" repeatedly to identify the root cause of an issue. It encourages a deeper exploration of the underlying factors contributing to a problem, aiming to address the root cause rather than just its symptoms. The 5 Whys is delves into the layers of causation behind a problem. It involves asking "why" five times, or as many times as necessary, to peel away the surface issues and reveal the core cause.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

DIY gardening projects

Create a vertical herb garden by repurposing a wooden pallet, adding small pots or planters to each level for a space-saving and visually appealing herb display.

Build a raised garden bed using recycled materials such as old bricks or reclaimed wood, providing a contained area for planting vegetables or flowers while adding a rustic touch to your outdoor space.

Transform unused containers like buckets or crates into whimsical planters by painting them with vibrant colors and filling them with soil and your favorite plants for a fun and personalized gardening project.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

The Delphi Method

The Delphi Method is a forecasting process and communication framework that leverages the insights of a panel of experts to arrive at a group consensus or decision. The process involves sending out questionnaires to experts, aggregating their responses, and sharing the summarized insights with the group after each round. Experts then have the opportunity to adjust their answers in subsequent rounds based on the evolving group response. The ultimate goal is to achieve a true consensus of expert opinions.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

The Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) is a structured group decision-making process that encourages the active participation of all members while minimizing the influence of dominant individuals. NGT was developed to overcome some of the limitations of traditional brainstorming methods and enhance the quality of group decision-making.

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Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M

30-Day Outfit Challenge

The 30-Day Outfit Challenge involves creating unique outfits from your existing wardrobe for 30 consecutive days, without repeating any ensemble. It encourages creativity, versatility, and exploration of your personal style within set constraints.

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Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M Mind, Body, Wealth Kranti M

Fashion Feng Shui

Fashion Feng Shui combines the principles of Feng Shui with personal style, helping individuals align their clothing choices with their inner selves. By considering elements such as color, texture, and silhouette, Fashion Feng Shui aims to enhance inner harmony and outer expression. It emphasizes the importance of dressing with intention and authenticity, empowering individuals to feel confident and balanced in their appearance. Through mindful selection of clothing and accessories, Fashion Feng Shui promotes a holistic approach to style that resonates with one's unique energy and aspirations.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Reverse Brain Storming

Reverse brainstorming is a creative thinking technique that involves generating ideas for solving a problem by considering how to cause or worsen the problem instead. It encourages participants to think in unconventional ways and can lead to innovative solutions.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a curated collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits, emphasizing quality over quantity. It typically consists of versatile pieces that are timeless, interchangeable, and suitable for various occasions.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M


Storyboarding is a visual planning technique commonly used in various creative fields, such as filmmaking, animation, video game design, and advertising. It involves creating a sequence of drawings or images to outline the key events, scenes, or shots of a story. Storyboarding serves as a visual roadmap for a project, helping creators and collaborators to organize their ideas and communicate the narrative structure.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

Random Word Technique

Random Word Technique is a creative thinking method that involves using a random word or image to stimulate new ideas and associations. It is a creative thinking method used to generate ideas and solutions by introducing randomness into the thought process. It's a form of lateral thinking, aiming to break free from conventional patterns and stimulate novel connections.

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Mind, Body Kranti M Mind, Body Kranti M

The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect refers to the phenomenon where a person experiences a perceived improvement in their condition simply because they believe they are receiving treatment, even if the treatment itself is inert or lacks any active ingredients.

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Mind Kranti M Mind Kranti M

The Behavioral Momentum Technique(BMT)

Behavioral momentum is a term used in applied behavior analysis, which is a field of psychology that focuses on understanding and modifying behavior. Behavioral momentum refers to the likelihood that a person will continue to exhibit a certain behavior based on the history of reinforcement for that behavior. The Behavioral Momentum Technique involves reinforcing a series of easy or well-established behaviors (high-probability behaviors) before introducing or requesting a more difficult or less-preferred behavior (low-probability behavior). By reinforcing the high-probability behaviors first, it increases the likelihood that the individual will comply with the more challenging behavior.

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Mind, Career Kranti M Mind, Career Kranti M

Stoic Practices

Stoic practices involve cultivating resilience, self-discipline, and inner tranquility through principles like understanding what is within our control, accepting what is not, and living in accordance with nature. This philosophy encourages mindfulness, rationality, and the pursuit of virtue in facing life's challenges with equanimity.

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Mind, Career Kranti M Mind, Career Kranti M

“Eat That Frog!” Technique

The "Eat That Frog!" technique is a time management and productivity strategy popularized by Brian Tracy in his book titled "Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time." The concept is a metaphorical way of encouraging people to tackle their most challenging or important task—referred to as the "frog"—first thing in the morning.

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